Terms and Conditions of Hire

Please make yourself familiar with the below terms with particular reference to section 10 – 10.14 – Policies and Procedures


1. Definitions

‘Milton Keynes College’, ‘The College’, ‘Bletchley Campus, Chaffron Way Campus and Business and Leadership Centre’ and ‘We’ means the property/properties for which a contract is agreed. The property is owned and managed by Milton Keynes College. ‘The Client’ and ‘You’ means the organising body/company responsible for commissioning of and payment for the booking. ‘Working Hours’ means 8am – 10pm, Monday to Thursday and 8am-7.30pm on Friday excluding Public Holidays in England. ‘Weekend Hours’ means 9am – 4pm, Saturday at Bletchley Campus only. ‘Term-Time’ means the academic year running from September to July. ‘Holiday Periods’ means October half term, Christmas, February half term, Easter, May half term and the Summer Holidays. The ‘Contract’ means the agreement between Milton Keynes College and The Client for a specific booking and/or series of bookings. These Terms and Conditions will form part of the Contract, together with any other terms stated in the Contract.


2. Availability and Additional Charges

2.1 Additional charges will incur for bookings out of Term-Time Working Hours if Security and/or a caretaker is needed. Security will be needed on site if the booking is for 10 or more people and/or dependent on the type of event. If a booking is made out of Weekend Hours and at a site other than Bletchley Campus, additional charges for cleaning, security and a caretaker will be incurred.

2.2 The College opening times differ during the Holiday Periods. During the holidays the College closes earlier at all campuses, 8am – 6pm. The College is also closed over the Christmas period, days to be confirmed on booking. Please be aware, additional charges will apply if the booking is outside of these hours.


3. Payment

3.1 All invoices will be sent electronically via email so a valid email address must be provided upon booking.

3.2 Payment is due immediately once the invoice has been received.


4. Confirmation by the Client

4.1 All bookings are provisional until confirmation is returned by the College. The College will aim to respond to all bookings within 48 hours. Written confirmation of the booking will act as a Contract between the Client and the College. Once the Contract is confirmed by both parties, all such facilities and services reserved on your behalf will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract.

4.2 Numbers must be advised to the College at the time of provisional confirmation and will be identified on the Contract. Final timings, menus and any special requests must be confirmed to the College at least 5 working days prior to arrival.


5. Amendments by the Client

5.1 Amendments to guest numbers and/or arrangements must be confirmed to the College in writing.

5.2 Final numbers must be notified to the College at least 2 working days prior to commencement of event.


6. Cancellation by the Client

6.1 Any cancellation, postponement or partial cancellation should be advised to the College in writing by the Client.

6.2 In the unfortunate event that you cancel or reduce your numbers, cancellation fees will be charged in accordance with this clause. All cancellations and amendments must be confirmed to us in writing.


7. Amendments or Cancellation by the College

7.1 Should the College for reasons beyond its control, need to make any amendments to the Client’s booking, we reserve the right to offer alternative facilities without prior notice. This will not relieve the Client of their obligations to the payment of the appropriate fee.

7.2 Should the Client make significant changes to the booking or the expected number of guests, this may result in amendments in the applicable rates and/or facilities offered by the College.

7.3 Milton Keynes College may cancel the booking if the Client is more than 30 days in arrears in payments due under Contract with the College.


8. Arrival/Departure

8.1 The rooms are available for the time shown on your Contract (inclusive of time to set-up and pack away). Any extension may incur additional charges. Changes may not be possible unless previously agreed with a member of the Room Bookings Team.

8.2 Car Parking is available for free at Bletchley and Chaffron Way Campuses. This is limited between 8am – 3pm. Pay and display parking is available at Silbury Campus.

8.3 The Client and all delegates must sign in at Reception and wear their pass at all times whilst on site.


9. Liability

9.1 The Client shall ensure that they have taken out insurance with a reputable insurance company approved by Milton Keynes College, against such sums they may become legally liable to pay as compensation arising out of accidental bodily injury or illness (fatal or otherwise) to any person. The Client’s insurance should also make provision for accidental loss or damage caused to the property or premises. Unless specifically agreed by the College, acting by its Chief Executive, the insurance shall provide a limit of indemnity of not less that £1m in respect of any accident, including legal liability for fire and explosion risk. The Client shall produce the insurance policy and receipts for the current premium or premiums upon request by the College within 7 days of request provided that the following conditions do not apply:

    • an injury caused by the defective condition of the premises or equipment due solely to the negligence of the College

    • an injury or loss caused by the direct negligence of the College or its officers or servants who are employed by and directly on behalf of the College

9.3 A Stage Play Licence is necessary for all public performances and an application should be made to the Chief Executive of your District Council. It is necessary, for all who present public performances of music to notify the Performing Rights Society whose address is 29/33 Berners Street, London, WP1 4AA and to pay the appropriate fee charges. No betting or games within the meaning of the Gaming, Betting and Lottery Acts or games of chance are allowed on the premises.


10. General

10.1 Milton Keynes College reserves the right to approve any externally arranged entertainment, services or activities that you have arranged and cannot accept liability for any resultant cost.

10.2 Should any of your delegates be unable to correct any aspect of poor behaviour or activities unacceptable to the College, the College reserves the right to terminate your stay. Should this occur, no monies will be refunded to you.

10.3 The Client will be liable for all and any damage caused to any room, facilities, furniture or equipment caused by acts or omissions of their delegates, staff or visitors. The costs of repairing any damage caused to the property, contents or grounds by any of your guests must be reimbursed to the College by the Client. Blu Tac or similar substance must not be used on any walls.

10.4 The College will not be liable for any failure to provide or delay in providing facilities, services, food or beverages as a result of events or matters outside its control.

10.5 The College’s name/logo may be used in publicity, once a proof of the promotional material has been agreed with the College.

10.6 The College must comply with certain licensing and statutory regulations and requires the Client to fulfil their obligations in this respect.

10.7 We are concerned for your health and safety and that of our College. You are requested not to fix items to the walls, floors or ceilings.

10.8 Prices quoted exclude VAT which, where appropriate will be added at the prevailing rate at the time of invoice.

10.9 Delegates, staff and visitors of The Client are required to comply with all health, safety, fire and general instructions issued.

10.10 Vehicles and contents are left on the College premises at the owner’s risk.

10.11 Milton Keynes College will accept no responsibility or liability for the loss or damage to personal effects belonging to the Client or their delegates, staff or visitors.

10.12 No betting or games within the meaning of the Gaming, Betting and Lottery Acts or games of chance are allowed on the premises.

10.13 Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the buildings. Dedicated smoking shelters are available at Bletchley and Chaffron Way Campuses.

10.14 It is the responsibility of the hirers to familiarise themselves with and follow the Milton Keynes College policies and procedures. Policies include but are not limited to the Safeguarding policies, Prevent policy and the Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech and Expression.


Policies & Procedures – MK College

All prices listed are subject to change and are correct as of July 2015

Get in Touch

    Business and Leadership Centre

    200 Silbury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes MK9 1LT

    Tour Campus / Get Directions
    Bletchley Campus

    Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6DR

    Tour Campus / Get Directions
    Chaffron Way Campus

    Woughton Campus West, Leadenhall, Milton Keynes MK6 5LP

    Tour Campus / Get Directions
    Courtside Sports Hall

    Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6DR

    Get Directions